The Future of Oil and Gas Industry
Cyber Security & Explosion Proof Solutions
Join this webinar to learn
C1D2 Solutions | Predictive Inspection
Energy Saving | Hazardous Condition
March 8, 2023 (Wed.)
11 AM (GMT+4)
Online Webinar
2023 Q1 Advantech connect:
The Future of Oil and Gas Industry
Oil & gas applications are some of the most dangerous and demanding of any industrial applications. They require thorough environmental consideration for product development and also have to remain reliable for years in order to provide the long-term safety and efficiency the industry demands.
Join us for an exciting webinar hosted by Advantech where we will be discussing products and solutions for the Oil & Gas Industry, with a focus on C1D2 solutions and smart data management.

The webinar will be held on
March 8th, 2023 at 11:00 AM (GMT+4).

The webinar will be of interest to managers and specialists of the Oil & Gas departments, manufacturing companies, engineers and vendors of technological solutions in industrial enterprises.
Register now to secure your spot and be a part of this informative and engaging session


March 8th, Wed.

11 AM - 12 PM (GMT+4)

Host Welcome Opening
Peter Huang
Sales Manager, Advantech ME&A
Advantech Communication Solution -
Zone Defense and IEC 62443
Ethan Wang
Senior Product Manager in Advantech
Predictive & Remote Inspection Solution for Oil & Gas Industry
Stanley Chou
Product Manager in Advantech
Remote I/O & Serial/USB Communications Solution for O&G & Energy Saving Applications
Carey Wu
Product Manager in Advantech
Explosion-Proof HMI in Hazardous Environment
Winston Chen
Product Manager in Advantech
Success Case in Oil & Gas - GCC Region
Samveed Varma
Sales Engieneer in STARTECH
Register Now
Registration is free of charge
The number of places is limited; please register early

Win Your Amazon Gift Card
Participants who stayed until the end will have a chance to win an Amazon E-Gift Card.
  1. Registered with Company mail
  2. Stayed until the end of the webinar
Your chance to discuss with experts and learn from IIoT insights
As a leading brand in IoT intelligent systems, Advantech has more than 40 years of experience in process automation in the oil and gas industry, which allows it to develop various products and technologies that ensure efficient operation in hazardous environments.
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to contact us.
The Countdown Begins
We welcome you to join the Advantech IIoT virtual forum to discover the latest IIoT innovation with thought leaders. The event will be live in: